After-School, Camps and Classes for Children Ages Pre-K to 5th Grade
After-School Payment Policy
Due Dates
Tuition and Fees are due Friday before the start of a new week.
We will send reminders regarding payment due dates via email using the address you provided on your child’s registration form. Emails and calls will be generated for our entire contact list and will continue to the designated number and email address until you ask us to remove you from our contact list or give us updated contact information. For updates or removal please call First Camp office at 470-947-2966 or email jmason@fbcdecatur.com
Online Payments
After-School payments can be made via online https://firstcamp.childpilot.com/parents/login
You will need your login and password to access the parent portal (ChildPilot).
Choose My Account > View and Pay Balances. We accept all major debit and credit cards. A 3% nonrefundable processing fee will be applied when using a credit card for payment. If paying by eCheck/ACH, a nonrefundable dollar per transaction will be applied. After the first check return, all future payments must be made using a credit or debit card.
Forgot Your Password
You can request it on the login screen.
Tuition and Fees
A non-refundable application fee of $50 is paid at the time of enrollment.
5 day camp fees - $100
3 day camp fees - $70 (you may select the days)
Full-day holiday camp fee - $70 a day
Tuition and fees are due Friday before the start of a new week.
Late or returned payments result in a $20 bank fee.
Late Fees
Parents will be assessed a late fee of $15 every 15 minutes beginning at 6:15pm (6:15pm - 6:30pm = $15, etc.). The late fee will be added to your account balance. All late fees must be paid online. Late fees cannot be collected on site.
Note: Late fees are to be paid before the weekends. Failure to make payment or repeated tardiness will result in child’s removal from the activity and ineligibility for other First Camp Enrichment Programs.
Non-Payment of Fees
Our office will communicate with you via email if After-School fees have not been paid by the start of a new week. After two non payments, you will be notified that your child is no longer eligible to attend the program and will be withdrawn from the program. That space will be made available to another family. The only exception is in the case of special arrangements made with the First Camp Director.
Note: Our staff members are not permitted to accept program payments on site.
Student Withdrawal
If you choose to withdraw from the program during the school year, please email your request to us two weeks in advance. Withdrawal notification should be received on or before the date session payments are due (the Thursday prior to the start of the new session week). Otherwise, you will still be enrolled in the next week’s session and will be held responsible for payment for the upcoming session. You will remain responsible for any outstanding fees. Fees are non-transferable.
First Camp Cancellation Policy
In the event the program is not able to operate, due to weather, facility issues, or any unforeseen occurrence for more than five consecutive days you will be issued a partial refund for the days missed.
If the program is not able to operate and therefore cancelled for an extended period, you will be refunded for all the affected dates. Families will be notified in writing.
Tax Identification Number
Termination Policy
First Camp After-School reserves the right to terminate your child’s enrollment.